Search Results
The King Hunting: Rezso Charousek vs Englander (1894)
Charousek vs Wollner 1893 | Double Queen Sacrifice for an Amazing Checkmate
Queen Sac on 9th Move | Mchedlishvili vs Ratnakaran 2019
A Great Positional Queen Sacrifice | Keres vs Schmidt 1936
Amazing Double Bishop Sacrifice | Taimanov vs Shashin 1978
The Great Attack | Precise Exchanges | Ivkov vs Portisch 1961
A Postal Brilliancy By Lasker's Feared Foe - Best of the pre-1900s - Konyovits vs. Charousek, 1893
Every Piece sacrificed | Atkins vs Jacobs 1915 | Best Checkmating Combination - 6
No Castle is safe against a brilliant move | Rossolimo vs Euwe 1951
Alexander Alekhine Vs Emanuel Lasker Top Chess Games
Superb Queen sacrifice against Soviet Chess Champion Lev Polugaevsky (1982) | Chess Olympiad
Outrageous Chess Pawn Moves: Frank Marshall's pawn moves immortal game! vs Hyman Rogosin - 1940